Pre-Counselling Questionnaire

    Where do you live?

    Please upload the following documents:

    • Diplomas with summary of the subjects and marks (plus, if you have: translations)
    • Curriculum vitae (CV)
    • If you have that: letters regarding the recognition of your qualification and recognition notices from public authorities
    • If you have that: proof of employment (for example: employer’s reference, labor book)
    • If you have that: certificates of further training (for example: IT systems, data management)
    • Optional: Identity card / passport / residence permit

    Please don't send us individual pages.

    Please combine all pages of one document into a single PDF document.

    Multiple files can only be uploaded as one ZIP file.

    Alternatively, you can send the required documents via email to: Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!

    Please read our privacy policy.

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